Monday, September 8, 2008

12) Adib says, "If the students are at the beginning level of their learning then sometimes it is needed for a teacher to... translate or explain things in the native language."
Mitch says, " I agree".




Aaron said...
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Aaron said...
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Aaron said...

(Technical Difficulties)...Ok, I'm doing my comment rounds for our group this week so I'm going to comment on Mitch's agreement with Adib... I would also agree. Even in this weeks readings there was a lot of page space devoted to both reinforcement of a student's native language and the need of some sort of transition between a person's L1 and L2 or 3. But I'm kind of curious if there are any total immersion classes for kids as young as 3 or 4? And would they pick up on the language being used in a classroom situation or would it have to be one-on-one?

upgtx said...

I don't know I have never come across anything like that myself. I know in Japan there is a tutoring service called Kumon, children as young as 4 can start to learn English...